Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Bluenext Spot CER Launch On 12th August

Date 04/08/2008

CER will be launched on August 12, 2008. BlueNext is the leading exchange for the EUA spot market with over 9 000 000 tonnes traded in July 2008 and a daily record of 805 000 tonnes. BlueNext, the Paris-based environmental exchange is a partnership between NYSE Euronext and Caisse des Dépôts. The contract will be with physical delivery of tonnes of CER and will be listed on the same trading platform as the existing contracts i.e. BlueNext Spot EUA 2008-2012, BlueNext Futures EUA and BlueNext Futures CER.

Thirty four companies have so far signed up as members of the CERs Spot contract. The Spot CER contract will use essentially the same infrastructure as BlueNext Spot EUA; however the delivery will be made in Swiss registry and not, as it is currently the case for the EUA contract, in the French registry.

BlueNext is the only exchange that has the ability to automatically filter CERs to ensure that only those that originate in projects that meet EU ETS regulatory requirements will be transferred .The list of projects registered by the UNFCCC for which the CER are negotiable on BlueNext is published on the BlueNext website and will be updated on a regular basis. This list excludes Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) projects and hydro electric projects with a generating capacity exceeding 20 MW.

“The launch of the Spot CER contract represents an important milestone for BlueNext in our quest to be a global exchange. We will now focus on expanding the reach of our current contracts, develop new ones and expand our geographical reach through partnerships.” Andrei Marcu, CEO of BlueNext declared.

"BlueNext is pioneering the start of a transparent spot CER market which will deliver the price information for developers and project financers to invest in and build the clean technology we need" said Garth Edward, Director of Emissions Trading at Citigroup a member of BlueNext Spot and Futures markets.

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