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BIS: Basel Committee Publishes More Details On Global Systemically Important Banks

Date 26/11/2024

  • Basel Committee provides additional information regarding the 2024 G-SIB assessment.
  • Further details include global denominators and individual bank indicators.
  • The release accompanies the Financial Stability Board's updated G-SIB list.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today published further information related to its 2024 assessment of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), with additional details to help readers understand the scoring methodology.

The publication accompanies the Financial Stability Board's release of the updated list of G-SIBs and includes:

  • the denominators of the high-level indicators used to calculate banks' scores;
  • the high-level indicators for each bank in the sample used to calculate these denominators; and
  • the cut-off score used to identify the G-SIBs in the updated list and the thresholds used to allocate G-SIBs to buckets for the purpose of calculating the higher loss-absorbency requirements.

The Committee's methodology assesses the systemic importance of global banks using indicators calculated from data for the previous fiscal year-end (2023) supplied by banks and validated by national authorities. The final scores are mapped to corresponding buckets that determine the higher loss-absorbency requirement for each G-SIB.

The Basel Committee's G-SIB interactive dashboard has been updated to reflect the latest results.