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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Bionersis Listed On NYSE Alternext

Date 08/03/2010

NYSE Euronext today announced the transfer of Bionersis from the Free Market to NYSE Alternext.

Bionersis is a global contender in the renewable energy sector, with operations in developing countries focused on the capture of biogases — particularly methane from household waste in landfill sites — as a source of energy. The capture and destruction of this greenhouse gas earns Bionersis carbon credits (CERs - Certified Emission Reductions) for projects within the framework of the Kyoto protocol, helping to combat global warming.

The company applies an innovative business model, with revenues from both CERs and clean power generation. Operations are fully integrated at every stage from identification of suitable waste dumps to the sale of CERs, making Bionersis the only business to cover the whole of the value chain in its sector.

Bionersis (memo code: ALBRS) was admitted by direct listing of the existing 2,889,690 shares making up the company's capital stock.

On the date of admission, the company's market capitalization amounts to EUR 30.3 million.

“We are very happy to accompany Bionersis in this new stage in its growth and thus contribute to its development in the renewables sector, which is rapidly gaining global momentum,” comments Ronald Kent, Group Executive Vice President and Head of International Listings at NYSE Euronext. “Admission to NYSE Alternext will enable Bionersis to increase its visibility and appeal for investors, while giving it the benefit of improved liquidity and execution.”

Frédéric Pastre, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bionersis comments: “Transfer to NYSE Alternext will give Bionersis fresh impetus on the stock market and offer shareholders the immediate benefit of improved liquidity through continuous trading in our shares. The higher visibility and increased appeal that goes with our presence on NYSE Alternext should also attract new investors, and with them access to new sources of financing to back continued pace in our future projects."

NYSE Alternext today counts 127 listed companies from countries including Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK and the US. Altogether, they have raised over EUR 2.26 billion and their market capitalization totals EUR 4.2 billion.