A working group of the Board of Oslo Børs has been working on the recruitment of a new President since the start of June. The group has carried out a comprehensive and thorough process, and has been assisted by the consulting firm ISCO Group. A number of candidates have been considered.
“A particularly important factor was that Bente A. Landsnes has long-standing and broadly-based experience as a manager, and has achieved good results. She has held senior management positions in the financial markets, including the area of the market particularly relevant for Oslo Børs. She also has extensive knowledge of the securities value chain from a number of important board appointments, and was deputy chairman of the Board of Oslo Børs prior to leaving the Board in 2004. Bente A. Landsnes has personal qualities, expertise and experience that make her particularly well equipped to head up Oslo Børs, as well as to represent the exchange successfully both internally and externally”, explains Harald Norvik, Chairman of the Board of Oslo Børs.
Bente A. Landsnes is 48 years of age. She started her professional career with Bankenes Betalingssentral (BBS - the operator of the Norwegian bank clearing system) in 1977. She became a Vice President of BBS in 1992, with initial responsibility for banking reconciliations and interbank, and was subsequently also responsible for IT operations and international business. In 1996 she joined the Sparebanken NOR group as an Assistant General Manager, initially with responsibility for foreign exchange, settlements/liquidity and risk management. She was appointed General Manager and Head of Section for settlements/international services in 1998, which included IT responsibility for broking/securities systems.
Bente A. Landsnes has been a Group Executive Vice President since 2000, initially in the merged Gjensidige NOR and subsequently as Group Executive Vice President, IT and Payment Services at DNB NOR ASA. She was responsible for the successful integration of IT, settlement and payment services following the merger of DnB and Gjensidige NOR Sparebank. She is currently responsible for product development and operations of the group’s payment services products and for the sale of these products to corporate customers. She has management responsibility for around 1,000 employees.
Bente A. Landsnes has completed a number of training and management programs, including the AFF Solstrand management development program and the AFF senior executive program.