Following the official result of the takeover bid by the French company Origny-Naples for the French company Beghin-Say (Next 150), Beghin-Say will be removed from the Next 150 index effective Thursday 23 January 2003.
In accordance with the rules of the Next 150 index the removed company will not be replaced immediately, but at the next quarterly review (effective 1 April 2003). As of Thursday 23 January 2003, the Next 150 index will consist of 149 companies.
Information/Isin codes
Information about Beghin-Say:
Isin code: FR0000044554
Mkt cap: 919 million Euro
Shares: 25 668 609
Index: removed from Next 150 index effective Thursday 23 January 2003
The Euronext 100 Index and Next 150 Index have been published since 2 October 2000. They are made up of the 250 securities with the highest market capitalisations traded on the official markets of Euronext. In order to be included in the indices the securities must meet liquidity criteria that are specified in the rules of the indices. Euronext Indices B.V. is the compiler of the indices under the supervision of the independent Euronext Indices Steering Committee.