The latest meeting of the Standards Advisory Panel (SAP)
Date of meeting: 21 November 2022
The Chair welcomed members and provided an overview of the agenda for the meeting. The Chair walked through actions from the last SAP meeting. Given the number of items on this SAP’s agenda and to allow for appropriate progress, the Chair proposed to move the SEF action to the next SAP. The remaining actions were meeting agenda items on the day. Since the last SAP there have been changes to the international migration of market infrastructures to ISO 20022, which have the potential to impact to the UK implementation of ISO 20022. The Bank of England (“Bank”) updated the group on the ECB/Swift ISO migration date change announcement and its impacts: A month ago the ECB decided to postpone ISO 20022 “go live” date from 21st November 2022 to 20th March 2023 due to test system defects, followed by Swift, Australia, Canada and New Zealand deciding also to move their dates to March 2023. The Bank consulted CHAPS Direct Participants (DPs) after the ECB announcement given the proximity to TS2.1 (Transition State 2.1) go-live for RTGS/CHAPS on 17 April. The feedback received was a strong preference to maintain a three-month gap between ECB/SWIFT and CHAPS, to provide DPs with sufficient time to deal with any post ECB/SWIFT go-live issues. The Bank is working on more detailed timelines and the final date will be announced at its industry event on 5th December 2022. The TS3 (Transition State 3) new RTGS2 core ledger date will also need to be reviewed and may be impacted, and the mandating of Enhanced Data is likely to move from Summer to November 2024. The Bank still intends to mandate (via the CHAPS rulebook) structured addresses in November 2025. However, it is aware that this date is dependent on SWIFT retiring MT for payments in November 2025, and appreciates that there is still a lot of work for participants to fully implement MX/ISO 20022 by then. The CPMI Building Block (BB14) joint taskforce work (with PMPG) on drafting a common minimum (technical) standard for cross-border payments is likely to be the key foundation for CHAPS to implement any enforcement of structured addresses (and structured remittance data). The joint taskforce will be consulting publicly on their proposals in early 2023 – both in respect of the technical schema, and recommendations about the timing of its introduction and enforcement. Some initial discussions on the broader global strategy for the ISO 20022 standard for payments beyond 2025 were held at the PMPG meeting in Amsterdam in October. Discussions between the different FMIs, and then with their relevant user communities will continue next year. A Panel member raised concerns about the waterfall/domino effect demonstrated by the ECB’s date change, given this has directly caused a number of other FMIs to need to move ISO migration dates out, including CHAPS. In particular, they questioned whether this model needed to be changed ahead of FMIs starting to adopt a regular change programme for ISO schemas, and how international coordination of future changes would be managed given that ISO 20022 is an open standard, yet global interoperability was critical. The Bank noted that in general they have observed participants building schemas for domestic FMIs as individually switchable rather than waterfall implementations. However, as SWIFT is the key cross-border FMI, and as the ECB and SWIFT had always targeted the same go-live date, some European banks had built a single technical implementation for the November 2022 weekend, which then acted as a foundation for all further domestic FMI implementations. SWIFT has since made it clear to their participants that the CBPR+ implementation should be technically independent of any domestic FMI implementation. In terms of the coordination of global change going forwards, the Bank would continue to discuss options for managing change after November 2025 with relevant other FMIs. Among the suggestions of the Panel members was whether there should be a global version of this SAP, where key payments FMIs could meet to discuss and coordinate changes to their ISO 20022 implementations. Action: The Chair noted the global migration challenges/impacts and asked to bring this topic back after checking whether there were similar such ‘global coordination’ groups in other sectors outside payments. Pay.UK updated SAP on the latest work on the development of the Enhanced Fraud Data standard being developed by UK Finance and Pay.UK as well as the current progress on the API Fraud prototype. Of note: Pay.UK updated SAP on rolling out Purpose Codes as part of the APP Fraud initiative: Pay.UK updated SAP on the PSR’s APP Reimbursement proposals and asked the Panel for views on the challenges and the roles the Bank, Pay.UK and SAP should play in the APP Reimbursement development: The Bank reminded SAP of the Bank policy for mandating the Purpose Codes in CHAPS in due course, and how Purpose Codes align with the wider industry work underway on fraud and CMORG on operational resilience. Phase 1 of the CMORG work has reviewed the potential use of purpose codes to prioritise critical high value payments. Under Phase 2, the work would now focus on critical retail payments, with UK Finance taking a key role in the working group. The Bank then outlined to SAP the work underway to bring together stakeholders to produce more granular guidance on the use of purpose codes in CHAPS, and the next steps for that work. Action: The Chair asked for another update in due course. The A1 workstream lead Panel member updated SAP on the work of the API workstream – the development of an API Framework for the UK payments industry. The workstream has completed the Terms of Reference, and has been obtaining information from other API Standards setters to inform their drafting of the set of API principles/framework for the UK Payment industry, which they can use as a starting point when building APIs. The workstream lead asked the Panel for views on the differences and unharmonized implementations in the UK Payment industry. The next step includes obtaining information from Swift on alignment with their own API product standards, and inviting the views from PSR on the indirect access of APIs. Once the draft is complete, the workstream will share the proposed framework with the Panel. The Chair valued the work done in the A1 API workstream and invited comments on the Terms of Reference and Draft API framework after the meeting. The Bank updated SAP on the work of A2 Structured Remittance data; in particular the challenges of different sectors having very different needs and challenges. It appeared that the best way forward for this work would be to seek to agree a unified strategy/approach through which guidance can then be written for the different sectors, reflecting the different stakeholders and their requirements within each sector. The Bank updated SAP on the G20 Roadmap including the development of international conversations, UK input into an ISO 20022 ‘common minimum standard’ for cross-border payments, API standards and how the CPMI are requesting input from the private sector: Action: The Bank to raise as an action with JROC. The Chair thanked SAP members for the great contributions in 2022, this is the last SAP meeting in 2022. Close of meeting. Online meeting by MS Teams videoconference Karen Braithwaite, Chair (Barclays) Nick Davey (Payment Systems Regulator) Bank of England & Pay.UK Secretariat Caroline Stockmann (ACT)Minutes
Item 1: Welcome and introductions
Item 2: ISO 20022 implementations – update and discussion
Item 3: Fraud Industry Initiative and future strategy on Purpose Code – update and discussion
Item 4: 2x Joint Standards workstreams – update and discussion
Item 5: CPMI – update and discussion
Item 6: Any other business
James Barclay (JP Morgan)
David Heron (Pay.UK)
Domenico Scaffidi (Volante)
James Southgate (Bank of England)
Jo Oxley (Government Banking Service)
Mike Walters (Form3)
Robert White (Santander)Observers
Hein Wagenaar (Oracle)
Ross Studholme (FCA)Other attendees
Bank of England & Pay.UK PresentersApologies
Toby Young (Ebury)
Ralf Ohlhausenv (PPRO)
Helene Oger-Zaher (FCA)
James Whittle (Pay.UK)
Ian Ellis (Payment Systems Regulator)