Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Bank Of China Makes Fast Entry To FTSE Xinhua A Share Index Series

Date 06/07/2006

FTSE Xinhua Index (FXI), the joint venture index company set up by global index provider FTSE Group and China market specialist Xinhua Finance, announces that Bank of China (BoC, 601988) will be eligible for inclusion within the FTSE Xinhua A Share Index Series following its listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange yesterday. Because of the large market capitalization size, the bank will be added under the new issue rule through the fast track after the close of business on the fifth day of official trading, i.e. Tuesday July 11, 2006, and effective from start of trading on Wednesday July 12, 2006.

With total shares in issue of 177,818,910,740 and investability weighting of 4%, BoC will be added into FTSE/Xinhua China A 50 Index. To balance, Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings (000022) will be removed. BoC will also be added to other A Share Indices of 200, 600, All Share, as well as the FTSE Xinhua Insurance investment index. For rebalance details, please refer to the technical notice here.

The stock is classified under the Subsector “Banks” (8355) of the Industry Classification Benchmark. The changes will also be reflected in the FTSE Xinhua Galaxy Provincial Indices. BoC’s weighting within indices will be confirmed based on its closing price on the July 11, 2006.

Following the successful A share listing, Bank of China (H share, 3988) will remain in the FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index and FTSE Xinhua Hong Kong Index with a decreased total shares in issue of 76,020,251,269 and an increased investability weighting of 40%, effective from start of trading on Wednesday July 12, 2006.

Both the earlier H Share listing and this second A Share listing of Bank of China will be greeted enthusiastically by domestic investors who have seen the restrictions on IPOs lifted recently, as well as by the international investors who have been given QFII status, the quota for which has now reached US$ 7,145 million. FXI have seen great success to date with providing access to the A Share market with financial products such as the iShares FTSE/Xinhua A50 China Tracker (2823) which has about HK$ 8,000 million invested.

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