Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics July 2004

Date 10/08/2004


In July the Riga Stock Exchange trading volume amounted to EUR 19.09 million: equity trading volume was EUR 8.22 million, surpassed by debt trading EUR 10.87 million. SAF Tehnika with EUR 4.9 million continued to be turnover leader for the third month in succession; followed by RĂ“gas KB with EUR 2.15 million. Latvijas Gaze with EUR 350.1 million continued to be the largest company according to market capitalisation.

Equity market capitalisation at the end of July was EUR 1,017.22 million, while debt market value was EUR 664 million. Since the end of June Dow Jones Riga Stock Exchange index increased by 0.74%; the growth since the beginning of the year is 12.86%. The main price gainers in July were Ditton PKR (+20.0%) and SAF Tehnika (+11.47%); 5 more Official and Second list companies gained in price. Ventspils nafta with -9.38% and Rigas KB with -8.08% were the losers of the month.

Member activity has been summarised for the first half of 2004. Suprema was the most active Riga Stock Exchange member in 1H 2004, contributing 30.95% of total trading turnover. Hansabanka was the most active member in terms of equity trading (with 32.31%), whereas Parex Bank was the most active in debt trading (38.90%).


In July, the equity turnover of Tallinn Stock Exchange amounted to EUR 39 million, compared to June EUR 48 million. The most traded company was the blue-chip Hansabank with turnover EUR 30 million. The number of equity trades in July reached 1,259. At the end of the month the equity capitalisation stood at EUR 3.6 billion. TALSE index has risen 22% since the beginning of the year, closing at 348.6 points at the end of July.

88 000 additionally listed shares of Baltika are listed on TSE Main List as of July 19. Altogether 5,587,450 ordinary shares of Baltika are traded on the TSE Main List under shortname BLT1T. TSE membership status of Estonian Krediidipank terminated as of June 30. Estonian Krediidipank membership was terminated due to low client interest in the service and the need for more efficient allocation of its resources. Krediidipank continues to provide its clients the access to TSE listed securities via other member firms.

The total volume of funded pension system funds amounted to EUR 112 million in July. The total number of people in the system was 383,374 as of July 31. The EPI index, which reflects the return on pension funds, grew to 112 points. The highest return or 114 points was for EPI-50, the index that includes the most aggressive funds.


Trading on the Exchange in July slightly outpaced that of June. More transactions in shares were concluded on the central market; its share turnover was by a third higher than in June and reached nearly EUR 7 million. The share turnover in other transactions amounted to EUR 1.2 million, whereas the turnover in negotiated deals went down by more than twice and made up EUR 3.5 million. As a result the total turnover decreased to one of the lowest values of the recent months of the year - EUR 12 million.

The turnover of debt securities during the month grew by one third and totalled EUR 37.2 million. The total monthly securities turnover in June corresponded to the average monthly value of the last year and accounted for EUR 49.2 million.

The prices of the most liquid shares slightly dropped down - the values of LITIN and LITIN-10 indices lost a half of a per cent of their weight each. The prices of other shares improved inconsiderably - index LITIN-G grew by 0.25%. There was an equal increase in capitalisation of listed securities; their capitalisation amounted to EUR 4.3 billion. The shares of Snaige AB and Lietuvos telekomas AB maintained their leading positions with EUR 4 million and EUR 1.3 million correspondingly.

The total turnover in securities on the Exchange since the beginning of the year has made up EUR 498 million, including 45.5% of the total or EUR 226 million in share trading. This portion exceeds by 31% the total share turnover throughout the whole year 2003.