Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Axiss Australia Newsletter Issue 86 - 13 April 2004

Date 13/04/2004

Please click here for the latest a2a e-mail newsletter produced by Axiss Australia - a summary of the key events of the past fortnight shaping Australia's position as a global financial services centre in the Asian time zone.

Topics covered in this issue include:

  • Strong Economy
    • Australia's Banks Get Clean Bill of Health
  • Local Expansions
    • Deutsche Bank Grows Local Hub
    • Numbers Boost at Merrill Lynch
  • Sophisticated Market
    • Local Companies Feed M&A Pipeline
  • Funds Management Centre
    • Super Grows Australia's Managed Funds
    • Russell Grows in Australian Market
  • Regulatory Environment
    • Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Rules - Continued Reforms
    • Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement - Foreign
  • Investment Review Board (FIRB) Review
    • FIRB Rules under the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement
  • International Data Comparisons
  • Events
  • Axiss Directory