Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Axiss Australia Newsletter Issue 115, 20 June 2005

Date 20/06/2005

Please click here for the latest a2a e-mail newsletter produced by Axiss Australia - a summary of the key events of the past fortnight shaping Australia's position as a global financial services centre in the Asian time zone.

Topics covered in this issue include:

  • Global Financial Services Hub
    • Sydney Hosts Think Tank for Asia Pacific's Future Economic Leaders
    • Boston Event Highlights Australia's Competitive Advantages
  • Local Expansions and New Entries
    • Global Players Target Australia's Wealth Management Industry
    • Swiss Manager Moves into Australia
  • Workforce Advantage
    • New Visa Arrangements with US give Australia Advantage
  • Regulatory Environment
    • International Regulatory Links Continue to be Strengthened
  • International Data Comparison
    • Compare Key Economies at a Glance
  • Publications
    • Data Alert: 14% Growth in Australia's Investment Funds - December Quarter 2004
  • Events