Today's market operating times were as follows: 7.00am: Pre-open,10.00am: Markets opened, 10.19am: Trading halted, 11.40am: Pre-open, 12.10m: Trading recommenced, 4.00pm: Market close.
A decision was also taken to halt options trading while trading in the primary market was halted. Following re-opening of trading in conjunction with the re-opening of primary market, normal trading hours applied.
Today's market summary: Total equities trades: 43,892; Total options contracts: 29,195; ASX All Ordinaries: 3075.6 up 49.7 points; ASX/S&P 200: 3107.2 up 53.5 points; ASX/S&P 300: 3097.3 up 52.9 points.