Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ASX: End Of Financial Year Summary

Date 30/06/2003

Despite the continued global economic downturn, investors have traded at record levels with growth in turnover of around 3.2% over the last financial year ($535 billion up from $518 billion). The majority of this growth has been in the institutional segment, however strong growth in retail options trading has lifted overall retail participation numbers.

The strength of the Australian market was recognised on a global level by the inclusion of S&P ASX 50 into the S&P Global 1200 and ASX reaching eighth position in the Morgan Stanley Capital Index in May 2003 (index weighting of 2.1%).

Locally, the Investment Sector Performance Report from Towers Perrin found that Listed Investments continue to outperform residential investment property on an after-tax basis.

ASX has developed a number of initiatives this year designed to add depth, reach and stability to the Australian market. This includes the launch of a number of new options and futures contracts and continued developments in ASX World Link. Additionally ASX chaired the ASX Corporate Governance Council, which developed a set of ten guiding principles for listed companies to help maintain market integrity and investor confidence.

Furthermore, significant reengineering of the company announcement process permitted electronic lodgement by listed entities and in turn helped to create a better-informed broker market with the launch of the ASX Broker Market Activity Report and ASX ComNews.

Please click here for major highlights for Financial Year 2002-2003.