Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ASX: Close Of SEATS Trading Today

Date 20/06/2005

  • Earlier today, due to broker feedback regarding anticipated high volumes from the News Corporation (NWS) reweighting, ASX announced it would extend the Closing Single Price Auction (CSPA) period by 5 minutes to close at approximately 4:10pm.
  • This normally would have been done by a manual over-ride of the programmed schedule but an error was made and this did not happen. This process is standard procedure, performed from time to time by SEATS Market Control.
  • Therefore, the SEATS trading system closed at the “normal” time of approximately 4:05 pm, following a five-minute CSPA period.
  • After consulting the market, it was decided to bring forward Overnight Trading phase by 90 minutes, from the usual time of 7:00 pm, to commence at 5:30pm. Brokers were able to trade in that time.
  • ASX apologises to the market. It was a human error and not one related to any changes currently taking place at ASX. We are taking steps to ensure this does not happen again.
An explanation of the usual trading phases is available here: