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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ASIC's Outlook ... The Road Ahead - A Speech By Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities And Investments Commission, Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA) Making A Difference Conference 2013, 8 May 2013

Date 09/05/2013


The Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA) has a long and proud history of shareholder representation, having been an advocate for shareholders and contributing to the corporate governance debate since 1960.

The world has changed a lot since then – who would have imagined we would have high-frequency trading and retail order flow in dark pools in this fast-paced new millennium!

The ASA has kept pace, and continues to remain relevant to shareholders and the community.

As a member of ASIC’s Consumer Advisory Panel we value the ASA’s contribution and commitment to improving members’ financial literacy – an issue very high on the ASIC agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been asked to speak about the road ahead for ASIC. When I think about what’s ahead, I see three things facing ASIC:

  • structural change
  • ongoing innovation-driven complexity
  • globalisation.

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