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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ASIC Industry Funding: 2023-24 Dashboard Of Regulatory Costs And Summary Of Variances Have Been Released

Date 16/12/2024

ASIC has today published its annual dashboard outlining regulatory costs by sector and subsector for 2023-24 under the ASIC industry funding model (IFM).

This is a requirement under s138 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001.

These costs, calculated at the end of each financial year, reflect ASIC’s actual costs of regulating the subsectors these organisations operate in.

ASIC has also published the variances between its estimated and actual costs for subsectors.

Estimated costs were published in our 2023-24 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) in July 2024.

ASIC’s 2023-24 industry funding levies, which are based on actual regulatory costs by subsector, were published on 8 November 2024. Around 40,000 invoices for these levies will be issued to entities between January and March 2025.

ASIC determines where it directs its regulatory efforts and resources based on our ongoing assessment of the threats and harms across the industries we regulate. As a result, levies can be difficult to predict and can vary over time.

For more information, see how the government’s industry funding model for ASIC works.

ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator.