Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Applied Science Private University Visits The Amman Stock Exchange And Jordanian Capital Market Institutions

Date 24/12/2024

On Tuesday 24/12/2024, the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) received a student delegation from Faculty of Business at Applied Science Private University, as part of a field visit to the ASE and the Jordanian Capital Market Institutions (Jordan Securities Commission and the Securities Depository Center), to learn about the nature of the work of the market institutions and to learn about  the most important features of the ASE's electronic trading system, its trading mechanism and the latest legislative and regulatory developments.

Dr. Malak Al-Jazzazi, Head of the Communications and Public Relations Department at the ASE, provided an explanation of the nature of the ASE's work, in addition to the most important recent developments witnessed by the market and the future projects of the ASE. Ms. Nadia Al-Mansour, Head of the Operations Department, also provided a live presentation of the trading session and an explanation of the trading mechanism at the ASE and the most important features of the electronic trading system in effect at the ASE.

At the end of the meeting, the floor was opened for discussion and answers to students' questions and inquiries about everything related to the Jordanian capital market institutions in general and the ASE in particular.