Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Annual Performance: 2006 Marked The Highest Level Of BOVESPA's Market Capitalization

Date 11/01/2007

Foreign Investment Balance
BOVESPA´s foreign investment balance stood at BRL 1,752,390,301 or USD 845,652,605.68 in 2006.

This figure includes the net inflow of BRL 1,060,132,610.00 or USD 495,852,483.63 in December, resulting from purchases of BRL 20,953,519,700.00 or USD 9,800,523,713.75 and sales of BRL 19,893,387,090.00 or USD 9,304,671,230.12, as shows the table below:

2006 BOVESPA´s Year-to-Date Foreign Investment Balance - in USD

Month Buy* Sell* Net* Year-to-Date
January 7,923,006,926.90 6,743,428,177.80 1,179,578,749.10 1,179,578,749.10
February 8,018,278,779.68 8,281,271,599.63 (262,992,819.95) 916,585,929.15
March 8,685,016,187.17 8,692,297,398.73 (7,281,211.56) 909,304,717.59
April 7,995,871,792.07 7,426,967,101.28 568,904,690.79 1,478,209,408.38
May 11,113,587,890.46 11,772,176,785.48 (658,588,895.02) 819,620,513.36
June 7,639,738,727.07 8,684,009,988.45 (1,044,271,261.38) (224,650,748.02)
July 5,350,161,632.66 5,651,110,870.32 (300,949,237.66) (525,599,985.68)
August 7,652,089,971.48 8,213,482,543.01 (561,392,571.54) (1,086,992,557.22)
September 6,612,610,404.75 6,528,745,808.11 83,864,596.63 (1,003,127,960.58)
October 8,530,478,220.25 7,865,083,495.10 665,394,725.15 (337,733,235.43)
November 8,682,269,398.19 7,994,736,040.71 687,533,357.49 349,800,122.05
December 9,800,523,713.75 9,304,671,230.12 495,852,483.63 845,652,605.68
* This information is calculated using the monthly closing exchange rate of the Central Bank of Brazil.

Novo Mercado and Levels of Corporate Governance
The IGC (Corporate Governance Index) closed 2006 up 41.2%. This figure includes the December performance, which stood at 7.1%. It is composed of 94 companies: 44 of Novo Mercado and 50 of Level 1 and 2. These companies now represent 58% of BOVESPA’s total market capitalization, 58% of the total trading value of BOVESPA. Odontoprev, Positivo Informática, São Carlos and Lopes Brasil are the four companies that joined Novo Mercado and so joined the IGC.

IPOs – Capital Raised
The public offerings reached an important mark in 2006. BOVESPA had 26 IPOs, including 2 BDRs issues, enabling companies to raise BRL 15.2 billion, the record in terms of capital raised in BOVESPA since the early 1990’ and which ranked the Brazilian Exchange as second in terms of capital raised activity among emerging markets. In 2005, 9 new companies had their IPOs at BOVESPA raising BRL 5.4 billion.

Date Company Ticker Amount - USD Foreign Investors´ Participation
February/2006 Copasa mypk3 370,496,231 74%
Vivax vvax11 241,027,510 69%
Gafisa gfsa3 437,547,791 72%
March/2006 Company cpny3 133,245,008 64%
Totvs tots3 212,962,963 69%
Equatorial eqtl3 251,288,372 77%
April/2006 ABNote abnb3 227,694,213 80%
May/2006 CSU card3 164,721,052 83%
BrasilAgro agro3 281,739,130 82%
Lupatech lupa3 207,678,910 78%
June/2006 Datasul dsul3 140,271,021 80%
July/2006 MMX mmxm3 469,524,936 76%
Abyara abya3 74,775,104 83%
September/2006 Medial medi3 295,446,782 76%
October/2006 Klabin Segall medi3 335,876,619 69%
Santos Brasil kssa3 224,430,239 80%
M. Dias Branco stbr11 393,767,216 72%
Brascan mdia3 169,464,361 87%
Profarma bisa3 493,665,560 70%
Terna pfrm3 163,249,544 65%
November/2006 Ecodiesel ecod3 175,431,583 68%
Odontoprev odpv3 240,900,436 63%
Lopes lpsb3 221,108,524 71%
Positivo Info posi3 not available at this date not available at this date
* This information is calculated using the Central Bank of Brasil exchange rate on the first day of Trading.

Investors Groups
In 2006, the International Investors Participation led transactions at BOVESPA representing 34.1% stake, followed by Institutional Investors, ranked second with 27.4%. Individuals represented 23.9%; Financial Institutions, 12.6%; Companies, 2.0% and Other Groups, 0.1%.

Home Broker Stake
The Home Broker grew 82.08% in 2006. Compared to 2005, the daily average raised from BRL 3.3 billion to BRL 6 billion. The monthly average of number of trades rose 78.47%, from 421.6 thousand to 752.4 thousand. The monthly average of number of investors increased 78.71%, rising from 34,843 to 62,266 system access.

In December, the participation of Home Broker system in BOVESPA’s total result reached 7.76% and 25.57% in trade value and volume, respectively, against 8.15% and 23.56% in November. The system reached daily averages of 48,033 transactions worth BRL 412 million (against 46,737 trades worth BRL 404 million in the previous month). Currently provided by 53 brokerage houses, Home Broker registered 62,266 logins in that month. The average value of trade stood at BRL 8,500.

For further information on Home Broker, click here.

Trading Value
The BOVESPA’s total trading value represented an increase of 49.3% in 2006, comparing to 2005, reaching BRL 598,9 billion, the highest already registered. The new mark raised the daily average to BRL 2.4 billion, 51.1% higher than the BRL 1.6 billion registered in 2005. The number of trades increased 38.9%: there were 21.5 million in the year, against 15.5 million in 2005. The daily average of trades stood in 87,488, number 40.5% higher than the 62,247 registered on the previous year.

December figures: In December, BOVESPA turned over BRL 60.1 billion or USD 27.9 billion compared to BRL 54.3 billion in the previous month. The daily average stood at 98,534 worth BRL 3.1 billion or USD 1.4 billion, compared to 103,819 trades worth BRL 2.8 billion registered in November.

The most active stocks in terms of trading value in 2006 were: Petrobras PN; Vale R Doce PNA; Bradesco PN; Usiminas PNA; and Telemar PN.

Cash Market responded for 92.8% of the total value registered in December, followed by Options Market (3.9%) and Forward Market (3.3%).

The benchmark Ibovespa broad index registed a 32.9% rise in 2006, closing December at 44,526 points (+6.0% compared to November). During the year, the Ibovespa registered 29 records that raised the index from its first record in 2006, on January 3, of 34,540, to 44,526, the overall record of the year, registered on December 27. The best performing stocks in 2006 were ALL Amer. Lat. UNT (+123.9%); Tim Part. S/A ON (+107%); Acesita PN (+99.3%); Sabesp ON (+94%); and Bradespar PN (+78.1%), while the worst performing stocks were Telemar PN (-19.6%); Telemar N L PNA (-18%); Braskem PNA (-17%); Telemig Part. PN (-5.8%); and P. Açúcar-CDB PN (-1.8%).

Other Indices
The following indices closed the month up: IGC (+7.1% at 5,169 points), IBrX-50 (+6.5% at 6,450 points), IBrX-100 (+6.9% at 14,567 points), ITEL (+4.0% at 1,053 points); ITAG (+7.3% at 6,966 points), IVBX-2 (+7.0% at 4,734 points); ISE (+7.1% at 1,433 points); INDX (+4.4% at 7,108 points) and IEE (+8.7% at 13,985 points).

Market Capitalization
In December, the market capitalization of BOVESPA-listed companies amounted at BRL 1.54 trillion or USD 723 billion. The number represents a 36.9% rise with regard to 2005 and the highest level ever in the Brazilian Capital Market.

Fixed Income
In December, 5 FIDC (Receivable Investment Funds) and 10 Corporate Bonds have started to trade on BOVESPA Fix and SOMA Fix Markets. The trading value of BOVESPA fixed income markets turned over BRL 20,200,260.50 or USD 9,395,593.47(against BRL 21,071,583.45 totaled in previous month). Out of this total, BRL 310,614.59 referred to FIDCs, BRL 8,304,982.61 to CRIs (Real Estate Receivable Certificates) and BRL 11,584,663.30 to Corporate Bonds.

BOVESPA Popularization Campaign

Since September 2002, the popularization campaign BOVESPA vai até Você (BOVESPA Where You Are) has stimulated the creation of 1,364 investment clubs. The campaign resulted in 420 new investment clubs in 2006. BOVESPA listed a total of 1,630 investment clubs as of December 28. According to last data available (November), investment clubs totaled BRL 9 billion in net asset and 130.5 thousand investors.