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Announcement By The Presidency Of The Republic Of Cyprus

Date 22/03/2013

During a communication today between the President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, and the Prime Minister of Greece, Mr Antonis Samaras, the regulation of the matter of alienating Greek branches of Cyprus banks was confirmed, with the most beneficial terms under the circumstances and with an important benefit for the Cypriot side.

The President of the Republic expresses heartfelt thanks and gratitude on his part and on the part Cypriot Hellenism for the undivided support of the political world and the people of Greece during the difficult hours that Cyprus is going through. The President also wishes to inform the Cypriot people about the continuous and close cooperation that has characterised the relations between the two sides from the Eurogroup meeting of March 15 until the final settlement regarding the branches of Cypriot banks in Greece.

True facts are the most emphatic reply to the various rumours and information that has been fostered in the past few days, about the alleged neutrality or indifference by the Greek Government towards Cyprus. In all this time, the support of Greece has been granted and it is for this reason that the President of the Republic expresses his thanks.