Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Announcement By The Ministry Of Finance Republic Of Cyprus - Possible Questions And Indicative Answers

Date 31/03/2013

The Restrictive Measures.

1. Does the cash withdrawal limit apply per accountholder or per account?

Each accountholder (natural or legal) can withdraw cash up to the daily limit of €300 per credit institution.

2. What restrictions would apply if I have more than one account in the same credit institution? What restrictions would apply if I have different kinds of accounts – for example, a checking account and a deposit account?

All current/sight accounts are consolidated (as well as their balances) for the determination of the total balance and cash limit per individual. Withdrawal cannot be made from deposit (term) accounts.

3. If an individual has accounts in more than one credit institution, can he withdraw cash up to the daily limit from his accounts in each credit institution?

Yes, he can withdraw amounts up to the daily limit in each credit institution.

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