Amsterdam Exchanges Confirms Baan Company N.V.'s Listing Status
Date 15/03/2000
Reference is made to Amsterdam Exchanges press release 2000-018, dated 17 february 2000, by which we have informed the market on the issue of the financial position of Baan Company N.V.. As planned, Amsterdam Exchanges met with Baan Company, to be informed whether Baan Company N.V. again meets Amsterdam Exchanges' equity listing requirements. In the last two weeks, Baan Company N.V. made several announcements regarding the conversion of subordinated notes into shares in Baan Company N.V. and the sale of shares in Meta4 N.V.. Baan Company N.V. confirmed these transactions and the positive effects thereof on its net asset position. Following the meeting, Amsterdam Exchanges sees no reason to place the company on 'special listing conditions' or take any other action at this time. Unless any new facts occur, Amsterdam Exchanges awaits the release of Baan Company's regular quarterly earnings announcement.