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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Amman Stock Exchange: Scientific Symposium Entitled "Governance And Sustainability" At Yarmouk University

Date 14/11/2024

Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) in cooperation with the Faculty of business at the Yarmouk University held a seminar entitled " governance and sustainability at the ASE” on Monday, 11/11/2024, in the presence of a number of faculty members and university students. The ASE's participation in holding such lectures comes within the framework of the ASE's policy, its social responsibility and its keenness to strengthen its partnership with universities, spread knowledge and investment culture in everything related to the national capital market, investing in securities and linking the theoretical side with the practical side.

During the seminar, the CEO of the ASE Mazen Wathaifi reviewed the ASE's efforts to develop legislative and technical frameworks and its endeavor to enhance the investment environment and the competitiveness of the Jordanian capital market and listed companies and apply the best international standards and practices. Wathaifi also spoke about the ASE's journey in the field of sustainability and that its application in its three axes of social, environmental and governance has become an international requirement that enhances the competitiveness of companies.

At the end of the meeting, Wathaifi answered the questions and inquiries of the faculty and students about everything related to the Jordanian capital market institutions in general.