Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Amman Stock Exchange Participates In The Accountancy Day At Princess Sumaya University For Technology

Date 22/05/2024

The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), represented by the CEO of the ASE, Mazen Wathaifi, participated in the activities of the Accounting Department’s Professional Day under the title “Accountancy Day From Ledger to Legends” Celebrating Accountancy Excellence, which was held on Sunday, 05/12/2024, and was organized by the Accounting Department/ King Talal School of Business Technology at the Princess Sumaya University for Technology, where this event was opened by Dr. George Sammour, Dean of King Talal School of Business Technology at the University, in the presence of the President of the Audit Bureau, a number of representatives of big auditing companies, and members of the academic and administrative staff at the University.

Where Wathaifi gave a presentation in which he reviewed the role of the ASE in the national economy, the process of digital transformation in the ASE, and the application of international standards in the national capital market, including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and international auditing standards (ISA), in addition to the most important legislative and technical developments witnessed by the ASE.