Orchid Biosciences options will open with strike prices of 17 ½ - 20 - 22 ½ and position limits of 31,500. The options will trade on the January expiration cycle, with initial expirations in December, January, April and July. The specialist will be Eclipse JV. Orchid Biosciences is involved in the development and commercialization of genetic diversity technologies, products and services.
Wireless HOLDRS SM Trust options will open with strike prices of 95 - 100 - 105 and position limits of 13,500. The options will trade on the January expiration cycle, with initial expirations in December, January, April and July. The specialist will be The Hunter Specialists LLC/ Bear Specialist, Inc. Wireless HOLDRS SM Trust will issue Depository Receipts called Wireless HOLDRS representing an undivided beneficial ownership in the common stock of a group of specified companies that are involved in various segments of the wireless telecommunications industry whose common stock or American depository shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, The American Stock Exchange or The Nasdaq National Market.
The American Stock Exchange®, a subsidiary of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®), is the only primary exchange that offers trading across a full range of equities, Index SharesSM, including structured products, and options. In addition to its role as a national equities market, the Amex is the leader in Index Share listings (DIAMONDS®, iShares SM , MidCap SPDRs™, Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock SM, Select Sector SPDRs®, and SPDRs®) and is the second-largest options exchange in the U.S., trading options on broad-based and sector indexes as well as domestic and foreign stocks. For more information, visit www.amex.com.