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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Alberta And B.C. Securities Regulators Seek Comment On London Stock Exchange-TMX Merger

Date 13/05/2011

The Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) and British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) have received amendment applications from the TSX Venture Inc. (TSXV) and TSX Inc. (TSX) to address changes resulting from the proposed merger of the London Stock Exchange Group plc (LSEG) and TMX Group Inc. (TMX).  To assist in the joint review and consideration of the applications, the ASC and BCSC are seeking comment from market participants in the venture market.

Specifically, the Commissions would like comment on the proposed merger’s impact on TSXV remaining an active and vibrant junior capital market for investors and issuers in Alberta and British Columbia. 
The Commissions jointly regulate the TSXV, Canada’s national venture issuer market and have both received an application to amend the TSXV's recognition order. The Commissions both exempt the TSX from recognition and have both received an application to amend those exemption orders. The TSXV and TSX applications can be found on the ASC and BCSC websites.
The applications are filed in conjunction with applications filed on behalf of TMX Group and TSX with their recognizing regulator, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), and the Bourse de Montréal with its recognizing regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).  These applications can be found on the OSC and AMF websites.

To comment, please refer to the Joint ASC/BCSC Notice and Request for Comment document on the applications, which is available on the ASC and BCSC websites. The comment period is open until June 29, 2011.

The ASC is the regulatory agency responsible for administering the province’s securities laws. It is entrusted to foster a fair and efficient capital market in Alberta and to protect investors. The BCSC is the independent provincial government agency responsible for regulating trading in securities within the province. As members of the Canadian Securities Administrators, the ASC and BCSC work to improve, coordinate and harmonize the regulation of Canada’s capital markets