To reflect the changes introduced by the revised REMIT Regulation, ACER has updated its:
- Guidance on REMIT application;
- Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) and its Annexes; and
- Guidance on reporting LNG market data.
ACER’s non-binding guidance aims to make sure the REMIT requirements are well explained and uniformly applied by energy National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), market participants and other relevant stakeholders.
What are the main updates?
The revised Guidance on REMIT application (for NRAs):
- Updates definitions including the concepts of market manipulation, wholesale energy products and persons professionally arranging or executing transactions (PPAETs).
- Reflects the expanded scope of data reporting: covering new products, electricity balancing markets, coupled markets and algorithmic trading. It also clarifies the extension of the REMIT market abuse provisions to wholesale energy products that also qualify as financial instruments.
- Clarifies the concept and obligations of the PPAETs under Article 15.
- Corrects wording and references to ensure consistency of the ACER Guidance with the revised REMIT Regulation.
TRUM and its Annexes (which help market participants with their reporting obligations):
- Clarifies the definition of Organised Marketplaces (OMPs), outlining their criteria and characteristics.
- Creates a consistent understanding to help market participants, NRAs, and other stakeholders identify and assess OMPs.
The Guidance on reporting LNG market data (for LNG market participants):
- Aligns the legal references of the document with the revised REMIT, which now includes the collection of LNG market data for the publication of ACER’s daily LNG price assessment and benchmark.
Learn more on the updated: