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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ACER To Consult On Amendments To The Electricity Grid Connection Network Code

Date 17/05/2024

In the context of the ongoing revisions of the European grid connection network codes, ACER will consult with stakeholders (during summer 2024) to collect views on ACER’s concrete amendment proposals to the network code on grid connection requirements for high voltage direct current systems and related power park modules (NC HVDC).

What are the electricity grid connection network codes?

Network codes are binding rules governing connection requirements to the electricity networks in an effective and transparent manner. There are three electricity grid connection network codes:

  • requirements for grid connection of generators (RfG Regulation);
  • demand connection (DCC Regulation); and
  • requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems (HVDC Regulation).

What is the aim of NC HVDC revision?

  • Enhance the existing grid connection regulatory framework.
  • Align the code with the network codes on requirements for grid connection of generators and on demand connection.
  • Ensure the interconnected system is adapted to emerging trends, such as the increasing generation capacity of offshore networks (AC hubs) and the connection of new system users (storage, demand facilities).

Have your say!

To inform its drafting of the amendment proposal to the NC HVDC, ACER will:

ACER will submit to the European Commission its amendment proposal to the NC HVDC by the end of 2024.

Read more.