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ACER Recommends Aligning The Swedish Gas Transmission Tariffs With The Network Code's Requirements

Date 08/07/2024

Today, ACER releases its report on the Swedish gas transmission tariffs, directed at the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (EI), the National Regulatory Authority (NRA), and Swedegas, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of Sweden.

The report evaluates the compliance of the proposed methodology with the requirements of the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures (NC TAR).

What are the key findings?

After analysing the proposed methodology, ACER concludes that:

  • The methodology used to determine the actual reference prices for the Swedish transmission network differs from the one presented in the public consultation.
  • The consultation does not include the information requested by the NC TAR, as the details provided do not refer to the methodology applied to derive the reference prices.
  • The TSO's continual revenue under-recovery questions whether its costs correspond to those of an efficient and structurally comparable network operator.
  • There is no information on the applied methodology to conclude whether it complies with the NC TAR and satisfy the conditions for accessing gas transmission networks.


What does ACER recommend?

ACER recommends that the NRA (or the TSO, as decided by the NRA) conduct a consultation on the applied methodology in the Swedish transmission network.

ACER invites the NRA to repeat the consultation next year.

Read more.