The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) publishes today the results of the monitoring of the “minimum 70% target” for the Nordic region in 2020. These results are included as addendum to the previously published ACER reports on monitoring the 70% target (which lacked sufficient data provided by the Nordic TSOs to ACER).
The minimum 70% target for electricity interconnector capacity for cross-zonal trading aims at increasing the possibility of trading across the EU. This binding target was introduced in Europe’s (2019) Clean Energy Package of legislation.
Main findings:
The report finds that, on Alternate Current (AC) interconnectors, Denmark and Finland are meeting the 70% minimum target almost all the time, while there is room for improvement for Sweden.
ACER invites Transmission System Operators to further improve the quality of the data they provide.
ACER also calls for further alignment of the approaches to monitor and implement the 70% minimum target across the EU. This is key to facilitate stakeholders’ understanding of the progress towards meeting the minimum 70% target and to ensure that such target is implemented with equally high standards across the EU.