Today, ACER has submitted to the European Commission its Recommendation to amend the HVDC Network Code, which sets binding rules for connecting high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems and direct current (DC) connected ‘power park modules’ to the grid.
Why amend the rules?
These amendments aim to safeguard future energy system needs in the EU. Substantial growth in generation capacity of isolated offshore Alternating Current (AC) networks (or AC hubs) is expected.
This ACER Recommendation aims to address the changes in the electricity sector, focusing on the growing role of offshore power park modules, demand facilities, power-to-gas units (e.g., electrolysers for renewable hydrogen), electricity storage, and HVDC systems connecting isolated (AC) networks.
Key terms explained:
- Power park modules refer to offshore generators, comprising a single or a set of generating units connected to the offshore AC network (e.g., wind, solar, wave, etc.).
- AC hubs will connect large-scale (tens of GW) offshore power generation and large-scale industrial demand (electrolysers) along with storage and other demand.
- Demand refers to system users that are consuming electricity from the network (e.g., power-to-gas units, industrial consumers, etc).
What is this ACER Recommendation about?
In December 2023, ACER recommended amending the Network Codes on requirements for grid connection of generators and demand connection. To ensure consistency in grid connection rules and address new system needs (e.g., offshore networks and new system users like storage and demand facilities), ACER initiated the amendment process of the HVDC Regulation.
ACER proposes:
- Expanding the Network Code’s scope to include new offshore demand facilities, power-to-gas facilities (mainly electrolysers), offshore electricity storage, and HVDC systems connecting isolated AC networks.
- Introducing technical requirements for new offshore demand facilities, power-to-gas facilities (mainly electrolysers), and offshore electricity storage to support both interconnected and offshore systems.
Process and next steps
This ACER Recommendation is the result of extensive engagement including:
- Public consultation (June-September 2024)
- Webinar (June 2024)
ACER reviewed the stakeholders’ feedback and consulted the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and other stakeholders to finalise the Recommendation.
The next step is for the European Commission to adopt the Network Code in line with the Electricity Regulation.
Access ACER Recommendation and its Annexes.