Natural gas and hydrogen network developments are instrumental for achieving EU’s decarbonisation goals, ensuring natural gas security of supply and fostering the hydrogen market. Consistency in network planning at European and national levels promotes efficient network development. Every two years, ACER evaluates how well national gas and hydrogen Network Development Plans (NDPs) align with the EU-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan (EU TYNDP). What is in ACER’s latest Opinion? ACER’s latest Opinion (covering 2023-2024) reveals two main trends:
What does ACER recommend? To improve consistency of NDPs:
To improve consistency of EU TYNDPs:
What are the next steps? ACER encourages Member States and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) to consider the recommendations of this Opinion to increase consistency in future national and European NDPs. The next ACER Opinion will be published in 2026. For a deeper understanding of the European hydrogen landscape and market developments, check out our Market Monitoring Report on European hydrogen markets, published today. |