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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ACER Highlights The Need For Greater Clarity In The Proposed Swedish Gas Transmission Tariff

Date 21/02/2025

Today, ACER releases its report on the Swedish gas transmission tariff directed at the Swedish National Regulatory Authority (NRA), Energimarknadsinspektionen (Ei), and Transmission System Operator, Swedegas.

The report assesses whether the proposed Reference Price Methodology (RPM) complies with the requirements of the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff structures (NC TAR). 

What are the key findings? 

  • The consultation document provides most of the required information, however, the forecasted contracted capacity, tariff comparison between periods, and detailed information on some non-transmission services are missing.
  • The proposed RPM does not fully meet the transparency requirements of the NC TAR.
  • The postage stamp methodology is well justified, but ACER cannot conclude that it complies with the NC TAR’s cost-reflectivity principle.
  • Cross-subsidisation levels are reasonable, and the proposed RPM complies with the principles of non-discrimination, volume risk, and the prevention of distortions in cross-border trade.
  • Insufficient details on the three non-transmission services (fees for extra area consumption, capacity allocation for summer and winter periods, and capacity allocation for daily capacity products) prevent a full assessment of their compliance with NC TAR.

What does ACER recommend?

ACER recommends that the NRA, when adopting its decision:

  • Includes the missing elements and clarifies inconsistencies in the calculation of input parameters for the tariff-setting process, ensuring stakeholders fully understand the methodology.
  • Specifies the start of the regulatory period for the proposed RPM and the applicability of the consulted tariff.
  • Provides the missing information on the three additional non-transmission services.

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