- Energy regulators offer support in the emergency situation in Ukraine, and today’s successful power grid synchronisation with Continental Europe
- Regulators work to ensure stability of the European energy system and in particular in the Member States adjacent to Ukraine
Europe’s energy regulators represented by their EU Agency, ACER, and the national regulators’ association, CEER, offer support to the massive efforts to address the emergency situation in Ukraine to ensure uninterrupted and safe energy supply. Today, the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Continental Europe completed the emergency synchronisation of the Ukrainian and Moldovan power grids with Continental Europe (see the ENTSO-E press release).
ACER and CEER offer support to the regulator of Ukraine and those of the bordering countries, that is Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, so that they can react quickly to upcoming needs. Already some measures have been taken by regulators and others to ensure firm reverse flow capacities into Ukraine so that they can continue to receive gas from the EU. ACER and CEER recognise the work of the Energy Community colleagues in coordinating regulatory support to Ukraine and we in turn offer our support and services to the Energy Community.
Regulators remain committed, in close coordination with EU policy makers and TSOs, to ensure security of energy supply in Europe in the coming period.
Commenting on the situation, the ACER Director, Christian Zinglersen, stated:
“We applaud the round-the-clock efforts of the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the Regional Group Continental Europe (RGCE), ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, Ministries, the European Commission, the Energy Community, regulators, industry and others who are working tirelessly to help the Ukrainian TSO and regulator to power and warm homes and hospitals in Ukraine in these difficult times”.
On the diverse CEER support for Ukraine, the CEER President, Annegret Groebel, added:
“CEER represents 39 European national regulatory authorities for energy. We are all united in sympathy for the suffering of the Ukrainian people and our concern for colleagues in the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) of Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine.”