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ACER Consults On The Introduction Of Voluntary Templates For Power Purchase Agreements In The EU Energy Market

Date 20/06/2024

Today, ACER opens a public consultation (running from 20 June until 18 July 2024, 17:00 CET) to gather stakeholders’ views on the benefits and drawbacks of introducing voluntary templates for Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contracts in the EU energy market.

What are Power Purchase Agreements?

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are contractual arrangements between electricity producers (frequently renewable energy generators) and buyers. By providing renewable electricity at mutually agreed rates, these contracts foster stability for both parties and promote the adoption of renewable energy sources (RES).

Why the need for a consultation?

The EU Electricity Market Design Reform mandates ACER to assess the need for PPAs templates by taking into account the requirements of the different counterparties. For this reason, ACER is running a public consultation to gather inputs from stakeholders and ensure an informed and inclusive decision-making process.

What are the next steps?

ACER will consider the feedback received in the consultation and the conclusions reached by the consultative expert group established in May 2024.

If the assessment (expected in Autumn 2024) highlights the need to develop templates for PPA contracts, ACER, together with all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), will start the process in Winter 2024.

Read more about the consultation.