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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ACER Consults On The European Market Rules On Gas Transmission Capacity Allocation

Date 17/04/2024

ACER sees the need to update the European rules on allocating gas transmission capacity. Hence, ACER will run a public consultation to collect proposals from stakeholders on which amendments to the gas Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code (CAM NC) could be considered.

What is the gas Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code?

The current Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code has been in place since 2017. It harmonises how Transmission System Operators (TSOs) offer and allocate the available gas transmission pipeline capacity to the network users. In the context of Europe’s decarbonisation targets and the evolving gas market, the network code needs to be updated.

ACER had several interactions with stakeholders on how to do this. This included a preliminary analysis (from October 2023 to January 2024) of the main achievements of the network code to date and potential improvements (see the scoping consultation and the workshop).

After having shared its conclusions with the European Commission, the Commission invited ACER to launch the EU-wide network code revision process building on the scoping and problem identification work undertaken by ACER and considering the regulatory elements introduced by the recently agreed hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package. The CAM NC revision process will conclude with ACER recommending amendments to the Commission, which is responsible for revising the text of the network code.

What are the next steps?

ACER is preparing a policy paper on the revision of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in the gas transmission systems, which will focus on the potential improvements to the network code.

public consultation based on the policy paper will run from 8 May until 14 June 2024.

ACER will organise a workshop (by invitation only) on 9 July 2024 (09:00 – 11:00). Respondents of the public consultation that specifically expressed their interest in the survey will be invited to this workshop.

After considering stakeholders’ inputs, by the end of 2024, ACER will draft a recommendation to the Commission on amending the network code.