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ACER And ENTSO-E Investigate The 21 June Blackout In The South-Eastern Part Of The Continental Europe Power System

Date 15/07/2024

Following a blackout in the south-eastern part of Continental Europe on 21 June, ENTSO-E has set up an Expert Panel and has invited ACER and relevant regulators in the region to join it. Today, ENTSO-E, ACER and the regulators in the region convened in the first meeting of this Expert Panel.

The investigation of the Expert Panel will be based on the data collected and analysed by ENTSO-E experts. The investigation of the Expert Panel will be finalised with a final report to be published on ENTSO-E website.   

On 21 June 2024 at 12:24 CET, due to a major incident in the Continental Europe power system region, a large part of the transmission systems of Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Croatia suffered a voltage collapse followed by a total blackout in this area. The rest of the Continental Europe power system was not significantly affected by the incident. Furthermore, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the affected TSOs the voltage on the 400 kV grid was restored within a few hours.

ACER and ENTSO-E will continue to provide timely information about the incident.

For latest updates on this incident and the next steps, check out the respective websites of ENTSO-E and of ACER.

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