Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

A Very Pleased Montreal Exchange

Date 29/06/1999

The Montreal Exchange's President and CEO, Gérald A Lacoste, announced that he is gratified by the decision rendered today by the Quebec Securities Commission. In expression his satisfaction, Mr Lacoste said, "I am very pleased with the Commission's decision. Clearly, a remarkable level of thoroughness and analysis went into its consideration of the restructuring project. The decision serves to further strengthen the support we received from our members at last week's vote and reinforces our view that the project will prove extremely positive for all participants in the securities industry. However, we are fully aware that this is only the first in a series of other important steps to be completed." The restructuring project, which was submitted by Canada's four exchanges in March of this year, involves a redistribution of markets according to exchange specialization.