A list of auditors reports with qualifications published on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Web Site
Date 10/05/1999
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong today (Monday) posted a list of auditors reports with qualified opinions and/or explanatory paragraphs on its website in order to further increase market transparency and facilitate investors to make an informed investment decisions.
The list covers listed issuers whose auditors' reports in their annual reports contain a qualified audit opinion and/or an explanatory paragraph dealing with a fundamental uncertainty.
The list was compiled after the Exchange had scrutinised the annual reports of listed issuers whose financial year ended on December 31, 1997, March 31, 1998 and April 30, 1998. It also gives information about the listed issuers' date of listing, the name of their auditors and their accounting period.
The list of auditors reports with qualified opinions and/or explanatory paragraphs is available on the Exchange's website at http://www.sehk.com.hk in the News & Library section.