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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

9th SGF Conference, 7 April 2006 - SWX Best Paper Award 2006

Date 10/04/2006

At the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (SGF), the SWX Swiss Exchange announced this year’s recipient of the SWX Best Paper Award. The jury’s vote for the winning paper went to „Analyst Hype in IPOs: Explaining the Popularity of Bookbuilding“ by François Degeorge, François Derrien and Kent L. Womack (University of Lugano, University of Toronto and Dartmouth College, respectively).

Almost 180 papers were submitted to the conference and thus also became candidates for the SWX Best Paper Award. A panel of internationally renowned financial experts judged the works in a multi-phased process.

Dr. Matthias Muck, Director of the SGF conference, summarised the findings of the paper: It provides clear confirmation for the postulation that issuers are willing to accept higher issuance costs if by so doing they are ultimately buying better research coverage. The paper however also reveals that investors see through this mechanism.

Previous award winners:

Year Winner Paper
2004 Christine Bannier The Role of Information Disparity in the 1994/95 Mexican Peso Crisis: Empirical Evidence
Andriy Demchuk, Ranja Gibson Stock Market Performance and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads
2005 Russ Wermers, Youchang Wu, Josef Zechner Portfolio Performance, Discount Dynamics and the Turnover of Closed-End Fund Managers

The study can be accessed via the SWX Swiss Exchange Website: