The order-book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra® and the trading floor, show equities turnover of 89 billion euros for all German stock exchanges in May. Of this total, volume of 77 billion euros was traded in German equities, with 59 billion euros (about 77 percent) posted through Xetra, and 14 billion euros (about 18 percent) in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Trading on Xetra accounted for 85 percent of the turnover in DAX blue chips. A new Xetra record was set in the Nemax 50 with roughly 55 percent of all turnover in these issues.
Deutsche Börse reports that trading in warrants on Xetra is meeting expectations. Since the launch of warrants trading on Xetra two weeks ago, daily volume has increased to about 3.3 billion euros.
Deutsche Börse gives a favorable assessment of trading on June 1. The order-book statistics show that a volume of about 1.8 billion euros was traded in equities on Thursday, with 1.6 billion euros traded in domestic equities. Xetra trading accounted for 1.4 billion, or 87.4 percent, of the turnover in domestic equities, the trading floor of FWB, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, another 158 million euros, or 10 percent of the total in these equities.
Deutsche Telekom was the most active DAX blue chip in May, with volume of about 9.4 billion euros traded in its shares. MLP was the leading MDAX stock., with 183 million euros in shares traded, and T-Online was the top Neuer Markt stock, with share turnover of 1.3 billion euros. In the SMAX segment, Wedeco ranked first with a volume of 50.5 million euros traded in its shares.