The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and in broker-supported trading on the floor, show that a total volume of about 81.5 billion euros was traded in equities on the German stock exchanges in December. Of this total, 70.7 billion euros were posted in German equities, 86 percent or 60.8 billion euros through Xetra, and another 10.3 percent or roughly 7.3 billion euros in trading on the floor of FWB, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Siemens was the most active DAX blue chip in December according to the order-book statistics for the month, with volume of some 7.4 billion euros traded in its shares. MLP was the leading MDAX stock with 352.5 million euros in shares traded, and Intershop was the top Neuer Markt stock with share turnover of 1.1 billion euros. In the SMAX small-cap quality segment, OAR ranked first with a volume of 24.1 million euros traded in its shares.