400 Billion Euro in Turnover on German Securities Exchanges
Date 02/03/1999
A total volume of 405.9 billion Euro was traded in equities, warrants and fixed-income securities on the German securities exchanges in February, more or less even with the volume traded in February 1998 (413.9 billion Euro). The volume traded in equities, however, increased to 194.2 billion Euro, 10.5 percent higher than the February 1998 figure (175.8 billion Euro). The order book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and the trading floor, shows a volume of 57.3 billion Euro traded in equities in February. Trading at Deutsche Börse accounted for 49 billion Euro or more than 85 percent of the total. As a share of the total equities turnover, 62.3 percent, or a volume of 35.7 Euros, was traded through Xetra®.