Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

390 Billion Euros In Turnover On The German Stock Exchanges In June - Xetra Record In DAX Blue Chips

Date 02/07/2001

A total volume of 390 billion euros was traded on the German stock exchanges in June, compared with 386 billion euros in the previous month. The June total comprises roughly 298 billion euros in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds, and some 92 billion euros in fixed-income securities. About 89.3 percent of the total volume traded in equities nationwide is posted through Xetra and on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse).

The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and in broker-supported trading on the floor, show that a total volume of 106 billion euros was traded in equities on the German stock exchanges in June. Of this total, 99 billion euros were traded in German equities, and some seven billion euros in international equities. In the domestic equities, roughly 92 billion euros, or some 93 percent, of the turnover was posted through Xetra. Another 5.3 percent ( 5.3 billion euros in turnover) was posted in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Trading on Xetra and on the floor accounted for about 83 percent of the total turnover in international equities. A new record was set in Xetra trading of the DAX blue chips: Some 96 percent of the total volume traded in the DAX stocks was posted on Xetra. Deutsche Telekom was the most active issue in the DAX and Dow Jones Stoxx 50 in June with volume of about 12 billion euros traded in its shares. Ergo was the leading MDAX (mid-cap DAX) stock, with 310 million euros in shares traded. Aixtron was the top Neuer Markt stock with turnover of 340 million euros posted in its shares. In the SMAX (small-cap quality) segment, Stada Arzneimittel ranked first with a volume of 18.7 million euros in shares traded. The highest-volume exchange-traded fund in June was the DAX EX with 1.2 billion euros in turnover.