FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
379 Billion EURO in Turnover on the German Stock Exchanges in August
Date 01/09/1999
Volume of 378.9 billion EURO was traded in equities, fixed-income securities and warrants on the German stock exchanges in August, with 192.26 billion EURO of this amount being traded in equities.
The order-book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and broker-supported trading on the floor, show equities turnover of 63.13 billion EURO for all of the German stock exchanges in August. The volume traded in German equities was 57.25 billion EURO; 44.41 billion EURO, or roughly 78 percent of this volume, was traded through Xetra, setting a new record on a monthly basis. Trading on the floor of FWB, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, accounted for another 9.1 billion EURO, or about 16 percent, of the turnover. The Xetra share of the volume traded in the DAX blue chips came to 85 percent. while trading on the floor of FWB accounted for another 10.4 percent.
A new record was set in the MDAX (mid-cap index) and Neuer Markt stocks: Xetra's share of the trading in MDAX stocks was about 47 percent in August, well over the previous record of 36 percent set in July. For the first time ever, trading volume in MDAX stocks in Xetra was higher than the traded volumes on the floor. Whereas Xetra accounted for 46.8 percent of all traded MDAX stocks, floor trading accounted for 45.8 percent.
The Xetra share of trading in the Neuer Markt stocks also increased further: 29 percent of all turnover in the NEMAX 50 stocks was traded through Xetra in August, as compared with just 24 percent the month before. On a daily basis, the Xetra share was even much higher, with peaks of up to 38 percent on August 13.
DaimierChrysler was the most active DAX stock in August with volume of about 5.58 billion EURO traded. BHF Bank was the leading MDAX stock, with 476 million EURO in shares traded, and EM.TV was the top Neuer Markt stock, at 581 milllion EURO. In the SDAX (small-cap) stocks, Kamps ranked first with a volume of 81 million EURO traded in its shares.