Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

338 Billion EURO In Turnover On The German Stock Exchanges In October

Date 02/11/1999

The total turnover statistics show that a volume of 337.9 billion EURO was traded on the German stock exchanges in October, 23 percent less than in October 1998. Trading in equities and warrants accounted for 206.4 billion EURO of this total, and trading in fixed-income securities, 131.5 billion EURO. The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and broker-supported trading on the floor, show equities turnover of 62.0 billion EURO for all German stock exchanges in October. Of this total, 55.6 billion EURD was traded in German equities, 44.2 billion EURO, or about 80 per- cent through Xetra, and another 8.1 billion EURO, or about 15 percent, in trading on the floor of FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The Xetra share of the volume traded in the DAX blue chips expanded further in October to 86.2 percent, the second highest volume on a monthly basis (September 86.3 percent), but peaking at 89,1 percent on a daily basis. Xetra set a new record as a share of the volume traded in Neuer Markt stocks, with 31.4 percent of the NEMAX-50 turnover, as compared with 30 percent in September. On a daily basis, the Xetra share achieved peaks of up to 37,3 percent in October. Mannesmann was the most active DAX blue chip in October according to the order-book statistics, with a volume of about 7.4 billion EURO traded. MLP VZ was the leading MDAX stock, with 105.5 million EURO in shares traded, and EM.TV was the top Neuer Markt stock, at 326.0 million EURO. In the SMAX (small-cap quality segment), Baader Wertpapierhandeisbank ranked first with a volume of 23.9 million EURO traded in its shares.