2.6 Trillion Turnover at Deutsche Börse during First Six Months of 1999
Date 01/07/1999
Volume of about 2.6 trillion EURO was traded in equities, fixed-income securities and warrants on the German stock exchanges during the first six months of 1999. Of this amount, 1.4 trillion EURO was traded in equities. Trading in Frankfurt accounted for 82.7 percent of the total turnover in equities.
The total volume traded in equities, warrants and fixed-income securities in the month of June amounted to 479.4 billion EURO, more or less even with the total recorded in June 1998.
The order-book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and the trading floor, show equities turnover of 69.7 billion EURO for all of the German exchanges in June. The volume traded in German equities in June was 63.4 billion EURO; 48.7 billion EURO, or roughly 77 percent, of this volume was traded through Xetra. Trading on the floor of FWB, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, accounted for another 10.3 billion EURO, or about 16 percent of the turnover. The Xetra share of the volume traded in the DAX blue chips came to 86 percent, an all-time high on a monthly basis.
Deutsche Telekom was the most active DAX stock in June, with a volume of about 7 billion EURO in shares traded. Continental was the leasing MDAX (mid-cap index) stock, with 191 million EURO in shares traded, and RTV Family Entertainment was the top Neuer Markt stock, at 532 million EURO. In the SMAX quality small-cap segment, Beate Uhse ranked first, with a volume of 152 million posted in shares traded.
During the first six months of 1999, 84 companies went public at Deutsche Börse with a total issue volume of about 8 billion EURO. Of these new listings, 20 went public in the first segment (Amtlicher Handel), 4 in the second segment (Geregelter Markt) and 60 in the Neuer Markt.