Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

256 Billion Euros In Turnover On The German Stock Exchanges In December - Rising Share Of The Turnover For Xetra

Date 02/01/2002

The turnover statistics show that a total of 256.1 billion euros in volume was posted on the German stock exchanges during the last month of trading in the year 2001 (December 2000: 399.8 billion euros). The December total comprises some 186.2 billion euros in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds as well as some 69.9 billion euros in fixed-income securities. This means that a total of some 4.5 trillion euros in volume was traded on the German stock exchanges in the year 2001 ? some 3.3 trillion euros in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds as well as about 1.2 trillion euros in fixed-income securities.

The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and broker-supported trading on the floor, show that a total volume of about 67 billion euros was traded in equities on the German stock exchanges in December 2001; this is about 28 percent lower than the previous month's level (November: 93 billion euros). Of this total, some 62.2 billion euros were traded in German equities, and some 4.8 billion euros in foreign equities. About 91 percent of the volume traded in domestic equities was posted through Xetra, another 6 percent in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse). In the foreign equities, some 88 percent of the total volume was traded on Xetra and the Frankfurt trading floor.

Xetra's share of the turnover in equities rose further during the year just ended. The Xetra share of trading in the DAX blue chips was about 95 percent in December 2001, compared with 92 percent the year before. In the MDAX (mid-cap DAX) stocks, some 78 percent of the month's volume was posted on Xetra (December 2000: 67 percent), 37 percent of the volume in SDAX (small-cap) stocks (December 2000: 36 percent) and about 67 percent of the turnover in Neuer Markt stocks (December 2000: 62 percent).

Siemens was the highest-volume DAX blue chip in December 2001 with 11.1 billion euros traded in its shares. Altana was the leading MDAX stock with 373.4 million euros in shares traded. Aixtron was the top Neuer Markt stock with 316.1 million euros in share turnover. Gildemeister ranked first in the SMAX (small-cap quality) segment with a volume of 11.4 million euros traded in its shares. DAX EX was the highest-turnover exchange-traded fund in December with 747.3 million euros. Enron was the leading stock in the Xetra US Stars segment with a volume of 32.9 million euros traded in its shares.