1999 Volume At Kansas City Board Of Trade Exceeds Previous Record By Nearly 10%
Date 03/01/2000
The Kansas City Board of Trade had more contracts change hands in 1999 than ever before in its 143-year history, concluding the century with success.
Total 1999 volume at the KCBT was 2,524,376 contracts, nearly 10% above the previous annual record of 2,296,573 contracts set in 1997.
Individual contracts setting new annual volume records at the exchange included wheat futures with a 15.66% increase over their previous record from 1998, and wheat options with a 27.61% increase over their 1998 record.
"Record wheat futures and wheat options activity made 1999 a memorable year for the Kansas City Board of Trade," said Michael Braude, KCBT president. "We look forward to the coming year, and to meeting the challenges that the next century brings."