Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

12th IPO On The SWX New Market: Swissquote Group Holding AG Opens 8% Above Issue Price

Date 29/05/2000

The shares of Swissquote Group Holding AG, a company involved in the financial services area, were traded for the first time today on the SWX New Market. The offering price was set Sunday night at CHF 250. At the start of trading on SWX, the stock stood 7.80% above that level at CHF 269.50, representing a total market capitalization for the company of CHF 363.83 million.

According to the offering prospectus, of the 1'350'000 registered shares shown in the Commercial Register, 410'000, or 30% of the company's outstanding stock, were offered to the public. Should the underwriters elect to exercise their green-shoe option, that proportion could rise to 34%. 270'000 of the publicly offered shares were part of a capital increase associated with the IPO.

Swissquote Group Holding AG with its headquarter in Gland (Switzerland), is provider of broker-services in connection with online-financial information as well as whole concepts for internet-sites. The Holding consists of Swissquote Trade AG, Swissquote Info AG and Marvel Communications S.A.

Founded in 1990 by Paolo Buzzi and Marc Buerki, the Swissquote Group (formerly Marvel Communications AG) has a workforce of approximately 80 employees. In 1999, the company earned revenues of CHF 5.86 million, an increase of 180% over the prior year's level.