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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

WEDIA Admitted To NYSE Alternext

Date 12/07/2010

NYSE Euronext today announced the admission to NYSE Alternext of WEDIA, a company providing software solutions for content management and cross-media publishing.

WEDIA offers professionals in communications, marketing and the press three packages combining software suites and on-line SaaS (Software as a Service): WEDIA Cross-Média, WEDIA Expresso and WEDIA Adsme. These innovative solutions are designed to increase the circulation and exposure of individual content items and to optimize publishing and presentation processes.

The admission of WEDIA (ticker symbol: ALWED) to NYSE Alternext was by direct admission to trading of the 564,854 shares making up its capital following the private placement with qualified investors of 165,612 new shares at a price of €15.82 each, making a total of  €2.6 million.

Market capitalization of WEDIA on the date of admission amounted to €8.9 million.

“We are delighted to welcome WEDIA to NYSE Alternext, the market tailored to the needs of SMEs, comments Ronald Kent, Group Executive Vice President and Head of International Listings at NYSE Euronext. Market admission will enable WEDIA to raise its profile and enhance its appeal for customers, partners and staff."

Nicolas Boutet, WEDIA's Chairman and CEO, adds: "admission to NYSE Alternext marks the beginning of an important new stage in WEDIA's development, offering a promise of vigorous growth acceleration. Market listing will increase our visibility and consolidate credibility with future clients. It will also ease talks with the management of potential targets for acquisitions now under consideration."