Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Amman Stock Exchange Participates In The General Assembly Of The World Federation Of Exchanges

Date 12/03/2015

The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) represented by Mr. Nader Azar, the CEO of the ASE, participated in the Working Committee of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) which was held in London / the United Kingdom (UK) during February 25-26, 2015. The Meeting was attended by wide participation of exchanges, Securities Commissions, Depository Centers and brokerage firms.

During the Meeting, the committee approved the minutes of the last meeting which was held in Seoul / Korea in October 2014, discussed the WFE agenda 2015, and introduced Over The Counter Market (OTC).

Further, a WFE Security Committee was formed during the meeting which aims to exchange various security information among the members of the WFE. The nomination for the membership of this committee is open for all members of the WFE, where the Chief Security Office (CSO) is representing the exchanges members in the Committee.  This Committee differs from Cyber Security Committee that emerged from the General Assembly meetings of the WFE which was held in Seoul consisting of 15 members of global exchanges including the ASE. This Committee aims at protecting the global capital markets throughout establishing a communication framework among participants based on mutual trust and facilitating information sharing   relevant to information technology.

The Statistics Advisory Group suggested adopting new measures for liquidity in the exchanges members. The meeting also reviewed and discussed the results of the Survey relevant to risks in Emerging Markets.

It is worth mentioning that the WFE includes 64 exchanges from over the world. According to recent statistics issued from WFE, the capital market of the WFE exchanges members increased by 4.3% during 2014 compared with 2013 to reach up US 68 trillion dollars. The value of traded increased by 17.4% to reach US 81 trillion dollars. The executed transactions increased by 23.7% compared with 2013. Finally, the value of Initial Public Offerings (IPO)'s increased by 22.6% to reach US 894 Billion dollars made from 1421 offers.